Businesses are required to report any expense related to their business. For the range of expenses, they must transfer the invoices at monthly / bi-monthly / annual frequency to the tax representative. In order to be registered in the accounting system of business as required by regulations. Costapp is an easy and accessible solution, to which they can load the invoices near the payment or before the required date for reporting and controlling VAT payments and business expenses.
In this screen, you can add a document and also view the document image/PDF. You can set the sharing status to share or not-share. This allows you to control who can see the document.
The List of uploaded documents can be filtered by: Business, Document type, Manager Name, Representative Name, From Date / To Date, Supplier. Clicking on the document will take you to the Document details screen. This is a great way to keep track of your documents and make sure that you are able to access them easily and quickly.
Adding different companies' documents and invoices can be done easily on this screen. You can add as many companies as you want, and their respective documents and invoices will be organized on this page. This makes it easy to keep track of your business dealings with different organizations. This is useful if you need to keep track of multiple businesses' expenses.
Zangula’s professional designers designed the interface of application by following the best of industry standards with respect to font, topography, and ideology.
5 Mobile App Development Trends
We have come a long way since those old apps. Mobile Applica Read more