Dealiver app provides a platform for both agents and investors to explore opportunities for future investment and great deals based on their requirement.
Any new user can sign up in the app and create an account. The existing users can login to Deliver by entering their email id and password. They also get an option to login using their linkedin and google account.
In Dealiver, users get a chance to expand their customer network by sending invitation to agents and investors. Users can search for connections from the search bar and they have an option to either accept or reject an invitation.
Users can view assets on their walls screen. They can view the cost of properties, its location, Rentable Square Footage (RSF) and Capitalization Rate (CAP) posted by agents on a particular date.
Agents have the access to create their profile on Dealiver application. They can post their deals which is further present on their profile as record. They can also create groups based on their investor’s requirement with respect to a specific type of assets.
Deliver has profile screen for their users where they can fill in their profile with contact information and address. Profile screen also keeps track of posts done by agents for real estate ranging from apartments, houses to official buildings.
Zangula’s professional designers designed the interface of application by following the best of industry standards with respect to font, topography, and ideology.
5 Mobile App Development Trends
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