IT-FRATE is our cutting-edge platform for shipping services, where convenience meets global logistics. We offer a range of solutions for businesses of all sizes, making shipping goods a breeze.
The users can sign in to their account by entering Email Id and password. Then the user has to create an account by feeding personal information and their company’s information.
The sellers can upload their product with the quantity details they wish to sell in the create new auction section and based on buyer’s requirement, the sellers can avail the best price in live auction.
IT-FRATE gives users the options management where they can see real time proposals of those companies and then decide on the best price offered to their products. Based on this information the users have to create the buyer’s profile for shipment.
The transaction history shows the details of shipping that was done previously along with the status of payment. This enables sellers to determine the best buyers for their product in the market.
IT-FRATE offers support to its customers regarding any issues related to bugs, auction, shipment, payment or accounts. Users can report fake providers and immediate action is taken in such cases.
Zangula’s professional designers designed the interface of application by following the best of industry standards with respect to font, topography, and ideology.
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