For those who want to look after their physical and emotional health, there is a mobile app called MedicalCare. The app was developed by a group of medical experts and healthcare workers who are dedicated to assisting people in leading healthier lives. The app has been created to assist users in managing their health, to remind them to engage in everyday activities that promote wellness, and to offer health and wellness-related information.
The user has the opportunity to view the results of his daily action, including progress indicators and numbers from before and after daily activities.
The mobile app user has the chance to view the treatment that the Backoffice user has designated for him. The mobile user may also select any date on the calendar to view the specified course of treatment for that day.
Time slots- The Backoffice user assigns treatment time slots. The mobile user can view the open time slots for any treatments assigned to him and select one of them, or change time slots, if he is unable to attend the treatment at the selected time.
The mobile user can receive notifications in 5 different categories:
Daily activity notifications are assigned to the mobile user by the Backoffice user (it can be just text instruction, text instruction with video file or text instruction with audio). The mobile user gets a notification that he has a daily task assigned to him and can complete it.
The Backoffice user who is responsible for treatment assigns it to the mobile user. The mobile user can see when, where, who is treating him, and a description of the treatment. After receiving notification that some treatment has been assigned for him.
To see the result of the daily activities and treatment of mobile users. The user of the back office creates a questionnaire, and the mobile user receives notification that he can complete it to learn about his progress and the outcomes of his daily activities.
Any message can be sent to a mobile user by a Backoffice user (a trainer or instructor). The last one receives the notification about it.
When a Backoffice user makes changes to assigned treatments or daily activities for mobile users, the mobile user is notified (for instance, when an instructor is changed or when new time slots become available).
Zangula’s professional designers designed the interface of application by following the best of industry standards with respect to font, topography, and ideology.
5 Mobile App Development Trends
We have come a long way since those old apps. Mobile Applica Read more